DIY Plyo box
Since November 2013 I’ve been working out in my garage with a cross trainer and timed interval training.
I did have a membership to Virgin Active, but between my commute, Open University degree and family I just don’t have time to get there. Having the garage I can go straight in there when I get in from work and get up in the morning.
I’ve recently found a need for a plyo box but didn’t want to spend upwards of £60 for one when I figured I could probably build one.
It was quick to make and very easy… I used a sheet of 18mm structural plywood 1200 x 2400mm from B&Q, going at 7pm on a Friday meant that the guys in on the cutting machine didn’t mind cutting my exact dimensions.
2 x 700x600mm
2 x 500x566mm
2 x 700x500mm
The prefer you to have an idea of the specifics of your cuts and it helps if you’ve already taken into account the 3mm blade width requirements. The guy who cut mine even overlooked my cut count exceeding the free limit.
When I got it home, it was just a case of gluing the sides together, clamping and putting a load of screws in then gluing the top and bottom and screwing together. Whole thing too about 30mins to put together and now I can jump at different heights, tricep dip off it and lots of other body weight exercises.
I also put up a pullup bar this weekend, but the less said about that the better.