Now I’m writing almost all documentation in markdown then using Pandoc to convert it to Mediawiki or docx as required, I needed to finds an easier way to quickly create my tables.
It doesn’t do anything fancy, but I created a sublime package to do the conversion of a csv formatted table into a markdown table.
The following assumptions are made about the csv
- You’ve got headers in the first row
- Any empty cells are correctly formatted with commas
- You don’t have any commas in the values
Creating the Plugin
Creating a new Plugin with Sublime Text 3 is a case of Tools -> Developer -> New Plugin
This will create a new templated file in the User section.
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class CsvToMdCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
content = ""
def run(self, edit):
for region in self.view.sel():
if not region.empty():
s = self.view.substr(region)
self.view.replace(edit, region, self.content)
self.content = ""
def process_row(self, row, isHeader = False):
self.content += ('|' + row.replace(',', '|') + '|' + '\n')
if isHeader:
self.content += '|' + ('-|' * (row.count(',') + 1) + '\n')
def process(self, rows):
first = True
for row in rows.split("\n"):
self.process_row(row.strip(), first)
if first:
first = False
To add the Command Palette
command, use a file with the extension .sublime-commands
in the Packages/User
[{ "caption": "CSV to MD: Convert", "command": "csv_to_md" }]