Owen Rumney

Software Engineer

There are lots of monitoring and alerting tools out there and I’m sure everyone has there own preference on which they’re going to use.

We have selected monit for simple monitoring of disk space, tunnels and processes because its simple to setup and does exactly what we’re asking it to do.

I particularly like DSL for defining which checks you want to perform.

As we’re running monit on multiple machines, we’re also evaluating m/monit which centralises the monitoring of all the separate instances in a nice dashboard.

Installing Monit

Our servers are Red Hat so we’re not using yum install monit which will get you stated on on a Fedora machine. Equally the downloads page on the monit site will give you the quick and easy installation for other common platforms.

# create the install folder
sudo mkdir /opt/monit
cd /opt/monit

# get the latest release
wget http://mmonit.com/monit/dist/binary/5.21.0/monit-5.21.0-linux-x64.tar.gz

# unpack
tar -xvf monit-5.21.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
rm monit-5.21.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
mv monit-5.21.0 5.21.0
cd 5.21.0

# put some links in
sudo ln -s /opt/monit/5.21.0/conf/monitrc /etc/monitrc
sudo ln -s /opt/monit/5.21.0/bin/monit /usr/bin/monit

Configuring Monit

Now the links are in we can configure the monit config file monitrc. The actually file has huge amounts of documentation; I’m going to limit this to the key points to get up and running

sudo vi /etc/monitrc

## Monit control file

set daemon  30   # check services at 30 seconds intervals

set logfile syslog

# configure the mmonit to report to
# set mmonit https://monit:monit@

# configure email alerts (this is using AWS SES)
SET ALERT alerts@mycompany.com
SET MAILSERVER email-smtp.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com port 587
        username "" password ""
        using TLSV1
        with timeout 30 seconds

set mail-format {
from: my_ses_registered_email@mycompany.com
reply-to: my_ses_registered_email@mycompany.com
subject: $EVENT
Date:    $DATE
Host:    $HOST
Action:  $ACTION
Service: $SERVICE
Event:   $EVENT


# configure the host connection
set httpd port 2812 and
  use address
  allow admin:monit # change the password

# configure checks - for example processes
CHECK PROCESS tunnel_somewhere MATCHING '.*?(autossh.*?(8081))'

# or disk space
  IF SPACE usage > 80% THEN ALERT

# or network connections
check network eth0 with interface eth0
  IF upload > 1 MB/s THEN ALERT
  IF total downloaded > 1 GB in last 2 hours THEN ALERT
  IF total downloaded > 10 GB in last day THEN ALERT

Starting Monit

To start monit user

sudo monit start

If you make changes to /etc/monitrc then you can reload it with sudo monit reload