Owen Rumney

Software Engineer

In defsec, we have a large number of Go objects which represent real world Cloud entities. A documented schema is required, but due to the number, it would be nice to automate the generation.

In this post, I’m going to give a simplified introduction to Annotations that can be used with text/templatein a struct to aid this.

S3 Bucket example

Lets take the S3 bucket as an example. Regardless of how we create the bucket (Terraform, Ansible, CloudFormation etc), there are common attributes that reflect it.

Lets look at a simplified defsec object that represents an S3 bucket;

package main

import (

type Bucket struct {
	Name              string
	PublicAccessBlock *PublicAccessBlock
	BucketPolicies    []Policy
	Encryption        Encryption
	Versioning        Versioning
	Logging           Logging
	ACL               string

type PublicAccessBlock struct {
	BlockPublicACLs       bool
	BlockPublicPolicy     bool
	IgnorePublicACLs      bool
	RestrictPublicBuckets bool

type Logging struct {
	Enabled      bool
	TargetBucket string

type Versioning struct {
	Enabled   bool
	MFADelete bool

type Encryption struct {
	Enabled   bool
	Algorithm string
	KMSKeyId  string

type Policy struct {
	Name     string
	Document Document
	Builtin  bool

type Document struct {
	Parsed   iamgo.Document
	IsOffset bool
	HasRefs  bool

This type has all the core attributes that we might want to check for any possible misconfigurations. We have written a comprehensive list of checks that can be applied to a bucket represented in this type - but what if you wanted to write your own Rego rule against the type? You might want to know what the properties mean?


If you have experience with Go, you likely know that you can use annotations to tell the json or yaml libraries how to you want the Type to look when rendered into json or yaml.

For example, you might have something like;

type HairColour int

const (
    Brown HairColour = iota

type Person struct {
    Name string   `json:"name",yaml:"name"`
    Age int       `json:"age",yaml:"age"`
    HairColor int `json:"hair_colour",yaml:"hair_colour"`

We could then use the json library to display this;

package main

func main() {

	person := Person{
		Name:      "Owen",
		Age:       40,
		HairColor: 2,

	content, err = json.MarshalIndent(person, "", "  ")
	if err != nil {


which would give us the output;

  "name": "Owen",
  "age": 40,
  "hair_colour": 2

Back to the Bucket

Returning to our bucket, if we wanted to support people writing Rego rules against this schema, we might want to use custom annotations with a description of what the property actually means.

Below, I’ve updated the S3 Bucket with additional documentation about what each attribute means;

package main

import (

type Bucket struct {
	Name              string             `json:"name",doc:"The name of the bucket"`
	PublicAccessBlock *PublicAccessBlock `json:"public_access_block",doc:"The public access block configuration for the bucket"`
	BucketPolicies    []Policy           `json:"bucket_policies",doc:"The bucket policies for the bucket"`
	Encryption        Encryption         `json:"encryption",doc:"Is the S3 bucket encrypted?"`
	Versioning        Versioning         `json:"versioning",doc:"Is the S3 bucket versioning enabled?"`
	Logging           Logging            `json:"logging",doc:"Is the S3 bucket logging enabled?"`
	ACL               string             `json:"acl",doc:"The ACL for the bucket"`

type PublicAccessBlock struct {
	BlockPublicACLs       bool `json:"block_public_acls",doc:"Is the S3 bucket blocking public ACLs?"`
	BlockPublicPolicy     bool `json:"block_public_policy",doc:"Is the S3 bucket blocking public policies?"`
	IgnorePublicACLs      bool `json:"ignore_public_acls",doc:"Is the S3 bucket ignoring public ACLs?"`
	RestrictPublicBuckets bool `json:"restrict_public_buckets",doc:"Is the S3 bucket restricting public buckets?"`

type Logging struct {
	Enabled      bool   `json:"enabled",doc:"Is the S3 bucket logging enabled?"`
	TargetBucket string `json:"target_bucket",doc:"The target bucket for the S3 bucket logging"`

type Versioning struct {
	Enabled   bool `json:"enabled",doc:"Is the S3 bucket versioning enabled?"`
	MFADelete bool `json:"mfa_delete",doc:"Is the S3 bucket versioning MFA delete enabled?"`

type Encryption struct {
	Enabled   bool   `json:"enabled",doc:"Is the S3 bucket encrypted?"`
	Algorithm string `json:"algorithm",doc:"The encryption algorithm used"`
	KMSKeyId  string `json:"kms_key_id",doc:"The KMS key ID used"`

type Policy struct {
	Name     string   `json:"name",doc:"The name of the policy"`
	Document Document `json:"document",doc:"The policy document"`
	Builtin  bool     `json:"builtin",doc:"Is the policy a built-in policy"`

type Document struct {
	Parsed   iamgo.Document `json:"parsed",doc:"The parsed policy document"`
	IsOffset bool           `json:"is_offset",doc:"Is the policy document offset"`
	HasRefs  bool           `json:"has_refs",doc:"Does the policy document have references"`

We want to use this to generate some meaningful documentation for the user so they can quickly see what is expected of them.

We start with an example bucket for the docs

bucket := Bucket{
	Name: "example-bucket",
	PublicAccessBlock: &PublicAccessBlock{
		BlockPublicACLs:       false,
		BlockPublicPolicy:     false,
		IgnorePublicACLs:      false,
		RestrictPublicBuckets: false,
	BucketPolicies: []Policy{},
	Encryption: Encryption{
		Enabled:   false,
		Algorithm: "AE256",
		KMSKeyId:  "",
	Versioning: Versioning{
		Enabled:   false,
		MFADelete: false,
	Logging: Logging{
		Enabled: false,
	ACL: "false",

exampleJson, err := json.MarshalIndent(bucket, "", "  ")
if err != nil {

This gives us a []byte of the json representation in a pretty-printed format.

We’re not done yet, we’re wanting to print this as documentation so people can work out what the attributes are for. To do this, we can make use of the extra annotation we have added.

Name string `json:"name",doc:"The name of the bucket"`

To access the annotation, we need to use the reflect package to get the fields and read their annotations.

Lets start with a doc object to hold the attribute name and docString and make a Map to hold our objects in

type doc struct {
	AttributeName string
	DocString     string

docs := make(map[string][]doc)

Next, we use reflection to get the type and iterate over the fields extracting the doc using a simple lookup on the Tag value

docString, ok := field.Tag.Lookup("doc")
if !ok {

Which gives us a whole function of

func processTypeForDocs(t reflect.Type, docs map[string][]doc, key string) {
	for i := 0; i < t.NumField(); i++ {
		field := t.Field(i)
		docString, ok := field.Tag.Lookup("doc")
		if !ok {
		switch field.Type.Kind() {
		case reflect.String, reflect.Bool, reflect.Int, reflect.Float64:
			docs[key] = append(docs[key], doc{
				AttributeName: field.Name,
				DocString:     docString,
		case reflect.Ptr:
			docs[key] = append(docs[key], doc{
				AttributeName: field.Name,
				DocString:     docString,
			processTypeForDocs(field.Type.Elem(), docs, field.Name)
		case reflect.Struct:
			docs[key] = append(docs[key], doc{
				AttributeName: field.Name,
				DocString:     docString,
			processTypeForDocs(field.Type, docs, field.Name)

Now we have a populated map, we can pass that to our documentation Template to generate the docs.

var docTemplate = `# S3 Bucket

## Example S3 Bucket JSON

` + "```json" + `
{{ .ExampleJSON }}
` + "```" + `
{{ range $key, $value := .Docs }}### {{ $key }}

| Attribute Name     | Description          |
| ------------------ | -------------------- |
| {{ range $value }} | {{ .AttributeName }} | {{ .DocString }} |
{{ end }}

Using the templated string above, we can use Go Templates to generate our documentation

docs := make(map[string][]doc)
docs["Bucket"] = []doc{}

processTypeForDocs(reflect.TypeOf(bucket), docs, "Bucket")

tmplt, _ := template.New("doc").Parse(docTemplate)

tmplt.Execute(os.Stdout, map[string]nterface{}{
	"ExampleJSON": string(exampleJson),
	"Docs":        docs,

Here we are creating a Map with the attributes required in the template, some example json and the doc objects we created.

When we run it in the terminal, we get the Markdown below written out.

# S3 Bucket

## Example S3 Bucket JSON

  "name": "example-bucket",
  "public_access_block": {
    "block_public_acls": false,
    "block_public_policy": false,
    "ignore_public_acls": false,
    "restrict_public_buckets": false
  "bucket_policies": [],
  "encryption": {
    "enabled": false,
    "algorithm": "AE256",
    "kms_key_id": ""
  "versioning": {
    "enabled": false,
    "mfa_delete": false
  "logging": {
    "enabled": false,
    "target_bucket": ""
  "acl": "false"
 ` ``
### Bucket

| Attribute Name    | Description                                          |
| ----------------- | ---------------------------------------------------- |
| Name              | The name of the bucket                               |
| PublicAccessBlock | The public access block configuration for the bucket |
| Encryption        | Is the S3 bucket encrypted?                          |
| Versioning        | Is the S3 bucket versioning enabled?                 |
| Logging           | Is the S3 bucket logging enabled?                    |
| ACL               | The ACL for the bucket                               |

### Encryption

| Attribute Name | Description                   |
| -------------- | ----------------------------- |
| Enabled        | Is the S3 bucket encrypted?   |
| Algorithm      | The encryption algorithm used |
| KMSKeyId       | The KMS key ID used           |

### Logging

| Attribute Name | Description                                 |
| -------------- | ------------------------------------------- |
| Enabled        | Is the S3 bucket logging enabled?           |
| TargetBucket   | The target bucket for the S3 bucket logging |

### PublicAccessBlock

| Attribute Name        | Description                                  |
| --------------------- | -------------------------------------------- |
| BlockPublicACLs       | Is the S3 bucket blocking public ACLs?       |
| BlockPublicPolicy     | Is the S3 bucket blocking public policies?   |
| IgnorePublicACLs      | Is the S3 bucket ignoring public ACLs?       |
| RestrictPublicBuckets | Is the S3 bucket restricting public buckets? |

### Versioning

| Attribute Name | Description                                     |
| -------------- | ----------------------------------------------- |
| Enabled        | Is the S3 bucket versioning enabled?            |
| MFADelete      | Is the S3 bucket versioning MFA delete enabled? |


Actual Rendered Output

S3 Bucket

Example S3 Bucket JSON

  "name": "example-bucket",
  "public_access_block": {
    "block_public_acls": false,
    "block_public_policy": false,
    "ignore_public_acls": false,
    "restrict_public_buckets": false
  "bucket_policies": [],
  "encryption": {
    "enabled": false,
    "algorithm": "AE256",
    "kms_key_id": ""
  "versioning": {
    "enabled": false,
    "mfa_delete": false
  "logging": {
    "enabled": false,
    "target_bucket": ""
  "acl": "false"


Attribute Name Description
Name The name of the bucket
PublicAccessBlock The public access block configuration for the bucket
Encryption Is the S3 bucket encrypted?
Versioning Is the S3 bucket versioning enabled?
Logging Is the S3 bucket logging enabled?
ACL The ACL for the bucket


Attribute Name Description
Enabled Is the S3 bucket encrypted?
Algorithm The encryption algorithm used
KMSKeyId The KMS key ID used


Attribute Name Description
Enabled Is the S3 bucket logging enabled?
TargetBucket The target bucket for the S3 bucket logging


Attribute Name Description
BlockPublicACLs Is the S3 bucket blocking public ACLs?
BlockPublicPolicy Is the S3 bucket blocking public policies?
IgnorePublicACLs Is the S3 bucket ignoring public ACLs?
RestrictPublicBuckets Is the S3 bucket restricting public buckets?


Attribute Name Description
Enabled Is the S3 bucket versioning enabled?
MFADelete Is the S3 bucket versioning MFA delete enabled?